
Missing Two Eggs

I just returned from my short trip to the super market to buy some food for my new flat in Berlin. I was so excited to finally be able to cook my own meals and save some money. Don’t get me wrong, I love to eat out, but it can get expensive doing it day after day. As I unloaded the food into the small refrigerator, I opened the carton of eggs to make sure they were still intact. It was at that moment that I did a double take and thought to myself, “Damn, that Turkish market shorted me two eggs!”

Dozen Eggs vs 10 Eggs

I looked carefully thinking I had been taken advantage of. The carton only had 10 eggs in it, but at first glance it looked like an even dozen! Why in the world would they want to short me two eggs? The egg carton had obviously been made to hold only 10 eggs, not 12. It was about this time that the light bulb went off. Of course! In Germany they use the metric system for everything and count by units of 10, not by the wacky English/American unit measurement of a dozen. Maybe they were onto something with this.


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