

Avatar Review

avatarOver the new years weekend of 2009 I had the opportunity to see the blockbuster movie Avatar. I had heard it was fantastic with the most amazing special effects. What I didn’t know, is that in addition to amazing effects, it had a powerful and compelling story line. The combination of emotionally riveting plot and mind-blowing effects put this movie squarely at the top of my best-of-all-time movies. After three hours of rapture, I found myself leaving the theater asking myself about favorite movies of the past. Among my top movies were 300, Gladiator, War of the Worlds, Moulin Rouge, and the Matrix. On a scale of one to 10, I had given each of these movies a perfect 10. Now, the question was, where do I put Avatar in comparison? As I thought of the rating scale, I felt compelled to rate Avatar at a 25–which totally screws up a one to 10 scale rating system. But, then again, maybe Avatar shouldn’t even be considered a movie. Maybe its just something else–an anomaly of sorts. I saw it at the IMAX in 3D, so perhaps that might have made the experience much more than it might be in 2D.

All I know is at this point I hope to see Avatar at least once a week while its still in the theaters. I can’t remember ever, in my entire life, craving to see a movie as much as this one. I urge anyone anywhere to see this movie. It will be an experience you will never forget and most likely will crave to duplicate time and time again.

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