
Freaky, Giant, Metal Trees in Singapore

I kid you not, there are big, giant, freaky, metal trees in Singapore. They look like something out of a 1980s Tetris video game going hundreds of feet in the air. And, if you pay some money, you can walk along a skyway up to touch them. I opted to stay on the ground and snap some photos, but in the distance I could see ants, or perhaps people, walking along the causeway marching up near the big trees. The place is called the Garden by the Bay and it is the newest attraction in Singapore. Behind me I looked up and there was a 50 story building, but the strange part was what appeared to be a giant metal hull of a spaceship. I could see more ants, or people, along the edge and green small trees dotting the perimeter. I was told the big building was a modern casino and the top was a hotel and observatory platform for guests along with a swimming pool for those who want to get as close to the sun as possible while swimming. For a small fee, I too could join in the casino fun and look down upon those unfortunate people in the metal trees off in the distance. I’m certain they have gift shops up there selling binoculars just for that purpose and that some 10 year old kid is peering down at me from above. Forget old buildings like Buddhist temples and shrines for tourists, here you have sky pools in suspended spaceship gardens with nearby giant, metal trees. Such is the level of entertainment in Singapore.


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