


geminiAre you a believer in astrology? I can’t say I’m convinced one way or the other. I’d like to think that I can keep an open mind on most topics. Astrology is one of those in which I could go either way right now. It has a huge historical tradition and following, but at the same time, it has a large portion of society today that think its just bunk.

I’m a gemini. My basic profile description is as follows:

Typical Geminies are very lively and charming, and excellent conversationalists. They are possessed of very active minds and bodies, and are often much younger-looking than they really are. Invention is their stock in trade. On the down side, they are also restless, easily bored, and unable to concentrate on any one thing for a prolonged period of time.

Forever changing their mind at the drop of a hat, they are notoriously undependable. There is also present a tendency to manipulate others to serve their own purposes. But a Gemini will be more than make up for any negative qualities though the sheer scintillating entertainment value of their very presence.

Typical Geminis are very lively and charming and excellent conversationalists. They are active mentally and physically and are often much younger-looking than they really are. They are restless, easily bored and unable to concentrate on any one thing for a prolonged period of time.

Since they are restless and keep changing their minds, they are notoriously undependable. The intellect dominates Gemini and all things that are intellectual are valued greatly by them. As communication is also important to Geminis, knowledge is never a thing to be hoarded. Geminis are the most versatile of all the sun signs. They will decide on an option and completely change their mind next day. Nothing is ever written in stone by Gemini. They are free soul, driven by curiosity and desire to know. Geminis rarely get deeply absorbed in any one task and anything they haven’t touched intrigue them the most.

When I read the general traits description of a gemini, I don’t see much of it in my character. It says here that I’m supposed to be lively and charming. I don’t really see that at all. I’m sort of the opposite, quiet and shy. I’m not restless or easily bored. I’m usually very passive, easy-going and rather intrigued with the world around me. It doesn’t take much to keep me entertained. Regarding dependability, I am absolutely the polar opposite of what it says above–I’m very reliable, more so that most people. When it comes to manipulation, I’m very much the opposite. I am a poor salesman because I tend to point out the best option for my client, even if its not me. I do the soft sell and on many occasions suggest they employ someone else for the job that might better suit their needs or budget. I’m also not one to change my mind a lot. Certainly it could be said that I’m open minded and willing to look at any new perspective on any topic. But, I’m not very wishy washy.

The description above does have several things that fit me very well. One thing it does peg me on is intelligence. I do see myself as something who thinks a lot. I enjoy intellectual things. Effective communication is very important to me–to the point of being essential for friendships as well as relationships. I do tend to focus on topics that interest me–becoming quite passionate about them. I have a huge curiosity about the world around me. I love to learn, explore and grow in experience and knowledge.

How well does your sign fit your persona? Are you a follower of astrology? If so, why?

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